As a way of expressing sincere thanks to my students that I hold in great esteem, I like to post comments received from anonymous university surveys offered at the end of each semester from a mix of courses I teach. While accolades are mostly featured here, I equally thank those that offered otherwise. I fully respect and appreciate all that’s been shared, and maintain that the best teachers are first the best learners. Thank you again for another great semester.

Spring 2016

What do you like best about this course?:

"The pacing of the suite project was helpful"

"The emphasis on learning techniques to make a living doing music."

"The final exam is awesome because now I actually have a decent big band chart that I otherwise would have procrastinated doing for a long time."

"I enjoyed learning about writing a big band chart."

If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:


In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

"Workflow- learning how to be efficient as possible with music projects"

"Taught me how to create music even when I'm not immediately inspired."

"He is the most willing professor to meet with you outside of class. One on one time is extremely effective."

"The organizational process of writing a chart has helped me a great deal. I now feel comfortable approaching a task like this."

Other comments or suggestions:

"Great course!"

"This class was the single GREATEST class I've taken at Mason Gross. Professor Stasio is an incredible teacher and I'm glad they saved the best for last. Almost makes me wish I wasn't graduating. Almost."

Fall 2015

What do you like best about this course?:

"Teacher very available for the students, and willing to help them"

"Prof. Stasio picked great music and was helpful to students."

"That prof. stasio is not just concerned about arranging. He is also concert in methods to accomplish the tasks faster. Which is very important skill for arranging."

"Professor Stasio is 100% committed to get the best out of us students. He had a game plan, stuck with it, and we learned a lot because of it. Even when his mother passed away this semester, our syllabus and education didn't suffer at all, and he was right back to teaching the class within a week which showed me how invested he was in our success."

"Great example and loved the Toch Book"

In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

"Individual help sessions was very effective in addressing my own ideas and concerns. It helped my progress a lot"

"Professor Stasio always put the music first in his class. He always came to class well-prepared. Professor Stasio has a tried and true method to composition and arranging that he passed on to us. There was no fluff, or meandering in class - every single lesson had a purpose and definitely helped me the most out of any of my classes at MGSA. He scheduled 1-on-1 meetings with all of his students to discuss our individual needs and help us learn."


If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:

"I wish I took this class every semester I was here. I felt like a pretty lousy composer, until Professor Stasio taught me how important an effective workflow can be for composition. "

Other comments or suggestions:

"Easily the best course I've taken at MGSA. As a composition major, this class taught me more than anything I could've asked for. After this class, I feel more confident with my career as a composer. Professor Stasio is an extremely valuable teacher to this school. He also gets back to me with emails on time."